JUST NOW: New shoot – classified as attempted murder


Police received the first sound of the event at 9:38 pm. Then several people called and said they heard a loud bang in the Bellevuegården area.

Police sent several patrols to the area to investigate the data.

Shortly after 22:00, several shots were found in the door of an apartment and in a wall of the stairwell leading to a multi-family home. But no one seems to have been hurt.

The staircase was blocked and the medical examiner ordered instead.

Great resources have been added

The police had a lot of resources and interviewed the residents of the apartment and any other witnesses.

"We will hear the people who need to be heard," said Rickard Lundqvist at the South Region Police Station.

The event was classified as attempted murder. It was the third shot in Malmö in a day.

On the night of Thursday to Thursday, a man in his twenties was shot and wounded outside the Burger King in the department store Mobilia.

Appear a relationship

Thursday afternoon, several shots were taken from a flat window on Docentgatan. Even at that time, there were people in the residence – but no one was hurt.

– Of course, we will investigate if there is a link between these events. There are similarities, says Rickard Lundqvist.

– We examine all links between people, events or addresses. There is coordination even if there are separate investigations.

"Right now, we are at the beginning of the investigation and we are concentrating on gathering facts, testimony and evidence, but the question is absolutely justified.

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