JUST NOW: The return on Gotland – Company


Just after 9 am on Monday morning, there was a power outage in Gotland. During the day, several forecasts arrived when the power came back and Geab pulled the hour hour by hour. At 12 o'clock, the error was resolved and at 12:30 several households returned their power. Geabs said the fault was associated with a storm in Ygne, where Gotland's big power plant is located. At 10 am Jan Karlsson, CEO of Geab, told Helgota:

– The Gotland bond has declined. For the moment, our hypothesis is that the error is related to the storm. "For many households, the current came in the morning, but, among other things, a gas turbine broke down, which resulted in the island being without electricity again." Jan Karlsson, CEO of Geab says one day

– It was close we had to start, but something happened and we had to start working on the power grid again, "he says.

– The day was bad.We met a lot of adversities.