Karolinska Skef resigns after the revelation of alleged harassment and anti-Semitism


After Aftonbladet's disclosure of alleged harassment and anti-Semitism at Karolinska University Hospital in Solna, the head of the department resigns.

Another person in the leadership position takes an "hour" during the current investigation.

"People are in shock," says one person.

According to reports, staff should have been informed Tuesday morning about the internmail of the hospital. There should also have been meetings where staff were informed.

– People are shocked. The head of the department should have resigned, said a person in transparency.

Aftonbladet took note of the email sent, where the department head explains his decision. "I have not acted with enough power to solve problems," writes the boss, who will continue to work as a researcher and doctor.

Last week, the day after the revelation of Aftonbladet, the designated surgeon was arrested during the ongoing investigation at the hospital.

Annika Tibell, Director of the Chartered Hospital, sent this morning an email to her staff, published on the Karolinska website: "Even though after the notification we have taken a number of steps, we find that They were insufficient and too slow, and it is very regrettable that this situation has occurred. "

Harassment and anti-Semitism

Aftonbladet has previously revealed that one of the exposed Jewish doctors had reported systematic harassment, bullying and anti-Semitism issues on the part of a senior medical officer. The Jewish doctor should also be warned of the same problem as early as June 2017 and the appointed Chief Medical Officer has published several antisemitic novels in social media reviewed by both the Swedish authorities and by an international human rights organization. man specialized in anti-Semitism.

After that, several hospital staff members witnessed a misuse of power on the part of several officials.

"It's a culture where you can intimidate, rape and express racist expressions," says a staff member at the hospital.

The management of the hospital is the subject of an investigation

As a result of these revelations, the hospital management opened an investigation with an external law firm. According to the October mission statement between the hospital and the law firm Flood Herslow Holme, the agency is charged with investigating the reporting of anti-Semitism and harassment that had been inflicted nine months previously. They will also investigate Karolinska's previous investigations and determine whether the employer's actions are sufficient. The hospital management has been criticized for "ignoring the problems".

"It's been nine months since we informed KS about this, the more time passes, the more my client suffers, and the longer it takes to get in. For example, the investigators still have not heard of my main man, they still do not know the witnesses we want to hear and they also have not received any additional important material, "said Sebastian Scheiman, one of the lawyers of the Jewish doctors exposed.

After lunch, the authorized director of the hospital convened a telephone meeting with the media. Karolinska is currently returning all comments to this meeting.

It's happened

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