KD: Budget with S threatens the Alliance – News


Ebba Busch Thor, leader of the Christian Democratic Party, presented the motion on the KD on Thursday. However, she still hopes that Alliance parties will be able to agree on a common budget reserve for the Riksdag.

But the Center and the Liberals have opened budgetary cooperation with the Social Democrats.

The KD leader warned that it could be difficult to revive the Alliance later if this budget cooperation was over.

The last bourgeois party had a budget cooperation with S. It took more than twelve years for the Alliance to come back, says Busch Thor.

Open door

Liberals Jan Björklund said on Wednesday that although L is entering into budget cooperation with S, he aims to revive the Alliance in the next elections.

Ebba Busch Thor sends the message to C and L that if you want a lot of Alliance policy, the best is to do it through an Alliance government. She also explains that one of the reasons why KD would not have cooperated with Stefan Löfven is that she does not have enough confidence in him for that.

Busch Thor also suggests that she is willing to let C and L further inscribe her policy into a common budget reserve at the Riksdag.

It's about opening a small door to allow more of the Alliance parties to subscribe to a common pool, she says.

Tax reduction and VAT increase

The proposals in the KD budget motion are known earlier. They focus, among other things, on investments in health care and care for the elderly. The motion also provides for tax cuts, both for low-income earners and those who pay public taxes, and special discounts for families.

The new proposals amount to 450 million Swedish kroner for the prosecution and 70 million Swedish crown in 2019.

Investments are financed by, among other things, an increase in VAT, savings in labor market policies, the abolition of public subsidies for housing construction and a reduction of interest deductions.

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