KD politicians write to leave the alliance in closed Facebook group


Since the Alliance declared that it wanted to give positions to the SD presidency in committees after the elections – as did C and L – there was a mess in the alliance. Among other things, C and L accused M of taking advantage of this to their advantage – while M's representatives at the same time directed harsh criticisms on L and C because they felt important for internal criticism .

But from KD, he was pretty calm – until now.

Johan Ingerö, former press officer for Göran Hägglund, head of social assistance at Timbro, declares the alliance in an update on Facebook:

"For fourteen years alliance is a compromise between decision and profiling.This is why the reasons for giving up their own profiling collapse. "

" If a bourgeois government can be formed, that's fine, but it makes more sense for the four, "explains Johan Ingerö.

"No longer makes sense"

He continues:

"My prediction is that it is not repairable. We can not expect the moderates and the Christian Democrats alleviate heart problems and ignore nuclear voters while the Liberals and Center Party fail to even keep the day. "

In a closed Facebook group for Christian Democrats – including one of the employees closer to Ebba Busch Thors as moderators – the criticism of the alliance is also very difficult.

A person who formerly presided over the party in a large municipality writes in the group that: "KD should use common sense with M and go out and say that the alliance is no longer ( because seriously I did not see a single sign of anything else last year) ". She concludes the post with "Sincerely, the one who is tired of the fact that all the questions during the campaigns are on the defense of the Alliance when it is our policy that we should produce" .

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         In the forum screams the post.

"Buying champagne from Skyttedal"

On the KD forum, the message is shouted out as getting answers like: "What covenant are we talking about? The unjust marriage The faith of anyone" "Thank you and Amen! Have the desire to hear these words from many" and "Should we really put our power to defend a relationship that's long gone?" .

"The game of the Alliance did not go well in the Social Democrats, then C and L were cold-eyed and quickly changed Genant" writes a KD member in response to this post.

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A person suggests spending a few dollars each to buy a bottle of champagne Sara Skyttedal , who drank champagne after being a major player at the fall of the December deal, asked him to help her "beat the last nail in the coffin".

A source of transparency in the party told Expressen that "it is an insult and that it was the drop".

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