Kolmården will kill all the wolves


"We have had wolves in the zoo for a long time and the decision was hard to make, and for us it is absolutely essential that the animals we choose to have with us are good and we find it difficult to respond to the high demands we place on our cattle if we receive new wolves, "said Filip Johansson, djurchef in Kolmården. release.

As a result of this decision, Kolmården writes that the current plant is not suitable for receiving new wolves according to its current use.

Wolves available in Kolmården today have reached a high age have health problems, according to the zoo. Therefore, in consultation with the veterinarian, it was decided that the animals should be put to death in the fall. But Kolmården does not exclude that there will be wolves in the zoo in the future, in good conditions.

After a fatal accident where a guard was attacked by wolves inside the barn, Kolmården changed his routine. Today, there is still a barrier between animal welfare and animal welfare and the locking of animals between different cleaning and feeding facilities, writes the plant.

In June 2012, a farmer was found dead in a wreck of the zoo. There were no witnesses to the accident, but one or more wolves had attacked. The guardian of animals died of bleeding.

The Vargattack leads until Kolmården receives a fine of 3.5 million kroner. According to the district court verdict, there was a serious work safety violation that could have been avoided if the zoo had stopped letting the guardian work alone with the wolves.

Read more: Judgments handed down following a wolf attack in Kolmården

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