Laine scored his hundredth goal in the NHL – Sport


Ice Hockey Finn Patrik Laine scored his career goals in the NHL, while his compatriot from Winnipeg had met Chicago at home. The goal, which was the first game of the match, came in less than two minutes.

Wool, aged 20 and 224, is the fourth youngest player in the NHL to score 100 goals in the regular season. He sings for legend Wayne Gretzky who set his 100th goal in 1981. Jimmy Carson, 20 years and 116 days in 1988, then Brian Bellows, 20 years and 179 days in 1985

Laine scored another goal in the Chicago league and is also the biggest goalkeeper of the season with 21 shots to date.

Dane Nikolaj Ehlers of Winnipeg scored hate in the game that ended 6-5 against the Canadiens. Marcus Krüger scored a goal for Chicago, his third for the season.

Corrected: In a previous version of the text, Krüger scored a goal for a bit in the season's harvest.

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