Larissa Bell celebrates victory against Sweden – continued


It was celebrated in England when the national team beat Sweden in the World Cup final and achieved the first success of his country in 28 years (on the men's side). In central London, the celebration sometimes took place in pure vandalism.

One of the most eye-catching images of joy scenes showed how a woman prevented the ramp of an ambulance from climbing onto her hood. The ambulance suffered damage of more than SEK 70,000 and was put out of service for repair.

Celebrated the victory against Sweden

The police asked the public to help identify the culprit – and one of them was arrested. The woman in question was Larissa Bell, 21, Scottish Scottish visiting London.

Now, with three others, Bell is accused of damages, reports The Sun. January 8, the trial will begin.

When the image was broadcast on social media, Bell received a lot of criticism for its actions.

"Other people"

"99.9% of the fans behaved, but why did idiots destroy an Ikea and hope for an ambulance?" Wrote Sky Sports Program Director Jim White.

"I hope that you and your friends will be trapped, miserable," wrote musician Alice Fearn about Bell.

"Invasive behavior, totally disrespectful to people in need of care," wrote ambulance physician Peter Bowles.

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