Liberals say yes to cooperation


The liberals from Jönköping decided at a meeting of members tonight to start co – operation negotiations with the Social Democrats, the Center and the Party of the Environment.

The press release is signed by Albert Söderlind, president of the liberals of the municipality of Jönköping.

A few weeks ago, the Center Party and its negotiating delegation proposed that the Social Democrats, the Center Party, the Environment Party and the Liberals lead the next mandate of the Jönköping municipality.

The Liberals themselves were initially frustrated by the party's spending at the center, but at the Monday night meeting of members, it was clear that members supported the proposal.

Different solutions

David Gerson, the first Liberal name on the list, was cautious on Sunday when he spoke to Jnytt.

"We have discussed many different solutions that can contribute to a majority rule, and it is a little tricky for all the other parties to talk about the Liberals instead of talking to one another. It happened that the representatives of the other parties discussed the attitude of the Liberals, but with this meeting we want to make our own decisions.

"The situation is very complicated and we therefore want to talk to our members before communicating with the media and making our own decisions," said David Gerson.

The Social Democrats, the Liberals, the Party of the Environment and the Center Party, which are currently launching cooperation negotiations, will be allocated 38 mandates.

No less than 38 members of the opposition are moderates, Christian Democrats and Swedish Democrats.

Need help

At the moment, this means that the four parties that now want to control the municipality must be supported by another party. In addition to the three opposition parties, here is the leftist party, which has five mandates.

The text is being updated

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