"Lit when he had a good location"


  Photo: TT

It was early Friday morning that the woman was found seriously injured, next to a tunnel under Highway 68, up to Risbroskolan.

A private person found the woman and alerted her to 112. As soon as the arrival of the ambulance

According to the information in this newspaper, the woman had a knife to death.

The Westman police immediately launched a so-called special event, which meant that the necessary resources were provided by the Mitt area.

has thus resulted in the investigation into the possibility of seizure of a person. He was later arrested by prosecutor Fredrik Sandberg:

– I do not understand how we got him started, but we observed the person for a while before his arrest.

Only a short interrogation took place art.

Lawyer Thomas Carlstedt was assigned to the accused

On Monday, new suspects will be detained with the suspect.

– We are cautiously optimistic in the investigation, says Johan Håvedal.

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