Löfven, Lööf and Björklund are criticized on the right and on the left


Carolin Dahlman, political editor of the liberal Kristianstadsbladet, believes that the lists of L and C claims in Löfven represent a clear left-wing energy.

DISAPPOINTED. Writer Carolin Dahlman, leader of the Liberal Party, accuses C and L of deception after confiding in Stefan Löfven as leader of the party.

Photo: private

– Just by supporting Löfven to form a government, to open him the office of prime minister, it is a left. Can not go out. It does not seem like L and C think strategically. It is obvious that they are so scared of the Swedish Democrats that they pushed them into Stefan Löfven's arms. It may be a signal of C and L to voters: "Look now, what a kaxie we are, see what we need, we will not do anything at all." But they all started talking about supporting Löfven is a betrayal. I think it was brutally wrong not to support Kristersson, not to vote yes until Annie Lööf had the chance to investigate, says Carolin Dahlman.

Liberal writers divided on S

She points out that the leaders of liberal writers are very divided on the issue.

"I am one of those who have made it clear that we will stick to an alliance government – because it is broken now, it will be divided for a long time – it is very difficult to repair. If you started the left pockets, the confidence is broken by voters.

According to Dahlman, it is extremely unlikely that claim lists will be processed.

– The demands of the center party and the Liberals seem very strong. I appreciate him as a right-wing liberal who thinks that these parties will remain in the alliance in order to pursue the politics they have actually chosen. This sounds good, but the chances of meeting these requirements are minimal. If now S and MP support L and C, they still need the support of the left party and they will never hear about it. According to Carolin Dahlman, these requirements are beyond the ears of party leaders Jonas Sjöstedt.

Stefan Löfven warned to retire for Annie Lööf and Jan Björklund

Daniel Suhonen, head of debates and Head of the Union Institute of Ideas, Katalys, warns Stefan Löfven to comply with the requirements of Annie Lööf and Jan Björklund.

DOLLAR OUT. Debater Daniel Suhonen believes that the lists of demands of Annie Lööf and Jan Björklund are serious.


"The question is whether the Social Democrats should go ahead and conduct a fair policy – that the Liberals and the center party are happy, and I am very skeptical about that." But it is clear that their spells lay on several scales because of the increased pressure of the Liberals, but that does not change the government policy that the Social Democrats should lead, I do not think it is serious, simply, says Daniel Suhonen.

Do you think the Social Democrats support some of these requirements?

– Changes in income tax are much easier than others. It's easier than hiding the right to work. But the principle is that you have to establish and negotiate a government. You can not just send a list of requirements and then it will be implemented. It's noisy because it will not be the case. Either the Social Democrats will not agree on this point because it is unthinkable that they only say yes to the claims. Or, they negotiate and that will be another way. So, I am quite calm because the requirements of C and L are not satisfied.

Suhonen believes that L and C should not pose such demands if they provide only passive support to a government led by S.

"Many of these problems can be solved on the whole, taking the situation of the formation of a government – in a government to which the liberal parties would participate or cooperate actively – not only passively support by depositing their votes. Stefan Löfven does not need it, the fact is that L and C are painted in a corner where they promised their constituents not to interact with SD or to lean against them in any way whatsoever, then they have to lean against Löfven, says Daniel Suhonen.

M-president of Skåne: "Not logical"

Lars-Ingvar Ljungman, federal president of the moderates in Skåne, has trouble interpreting the central party movement with the list of requirements.

"You can say that, as moderately of course, it does not seem that the Center and the Liberals seem inclined to think of the idea of ​​releasing Stefan Löfven as the new Prime Minister.It is fundamentally negative. On the other hand, I find it difficult to interpret their offer, but at the same time, it seems that they set very strict and justified conditions for leaving the support, and that it seems almost impossible to accept for Stefan Löfven, he. .

He believes that the next few days will be crucial to see if the list of requirements is a beginning of negotiations with the Social Democrats – which, according to Ljungman, would be a disappointment.

– So it's extremely negative. In fact, Stefan Löfven was forced to continue the politics of his alliance. Then I may like it, but hello, there is a Prime Minister who said that he was ready to pursue an alliance policy that is part of the alliance – why do not let him go, so they will have their alliance policy!

If the center party and the Liberals open the door to a social democratic prime minister, it is the end of the alliance at the national level, says Ljungman.

– Then it becomes clear that a vote of C and a vote on L could well mean that you get a Social Democrat Prime Minister.

– I must say that I have a little trouble understanding how to reason with C and L.

SEE END. Lars-Ingvar Ljungman (M) states that a compromise with S means that the alliance belongs to the story.


Anne-Marie Lindgren: "A defeat against the bomb"

Even Social Democrat ideologist Anne-Marie Lindgren, a former director of the labor movement's nursery of thought, said it would be a great defeat for the Social Democrats to accept the list of requirements as she sees fit. appears today.

"I would say that it is impossible for the Social Democrats to just claim, because it is a complete defeat in the next elections," she said.

The content of the list of requirements, such as lower wages for simple jobs and a drop out of the program, is a major source for OL voters, said Lindgren.

– Let the voters drop, it's completely obvious. We have lost a lot of constituencies, the rules of turmoil are first and foremost a question for OL groups, we can say. Twenty-five years ago, S's support for LO groups was 60%. The latest studies are 40 percent.

CRITICAL. "It's completely unthinkable with this idea of ​​legislating on so-called" simple "jobs at 70% of the lowest wage," said Anne-Marie Lindgren, ideologue of S.


– I would say that some of these requirements, such as L and C, provide for fraud against LO groups. These are important interests for them, it increases the uncertainty and insecurity of the job. I would say that it's totally unthinkable with this idea of ​​legislating on so-called "simple" jobs at 70% of the lowest wage in the collective agreement, it's an impossibility.

At the same time, she finds it difficult to assess the end of the list of requirements.

"I suppose that Löfven and the surrounding circle are sitting, as in a normal trade union debate, and think: what can you agree with, what does not go away and what can be done? instead, because after all, it may not be obvious that C and L want to end up in a situation where Löfven just says "no thanks, so we leave." Then they sit down again with the old problem of dependence on sustainable development.

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