Löfven ready to bring down the social tax


Both Annie Lööf and Jan Björklund sent lists of demands to Stefan Löfven containing a number of reforms demanding a right of the Social Democratic Party. About Stefan Löfven and The social democrats If the conditions are met, the Center Party and the Liberals are ready to liberate a democratically and socially directed government.

According to sources The executive committee of the Social Democrats is divided into two parts: how the party should act now.

"It's really a very difficult situation and dilemma, we can not agree on the demands, so it will be an insurgency and illusions," says a source of transparency.

However, Stefan Löfven will be ready to abolish the long-term welfare tax and increase the credits for the defense.

According to Expressen Stefan Löfven is now committed to convincing the Liberals, who have as a top priority the abolition of social welfare tax. However, Jan Björklund demands that the social welfare tax be abolished and that concrete decisions are taken in the near future and not in the distant future.

The social tax was introduced in 1995 as part of the reorganization of public finances. This was then considered a temporary measure after the crisis of the 1990s.

But the requirements are considerably longer than that. The head of the center, Annie Lööf, also said that the list of their needs was not negotiable. This includes a reduction of taxes on labor and business, liberalization of the housing and work market and freedom of choice in social protection.

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