Löfven received a list of requirements | Gothenburg after


"The list of liberal demands has been handed over to Stefan Löfven," said Björk CEO Elin Boberg in a written comment to TT.

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The lion is now in a hurry. On Monday, he will inform the Riksdag president of the government he wants to train and how he will receive enough support from the Riksdag.

The center party has already announced Tuesday that it wants to launch an S government and initiate budget cooperation. The condition is that such a government is conducting a civil policy.

Difficult requests

Jan Björklund described the Liberals' demands in general at a press conference held on Wednesday.

The social tax will be removed, not as part of a remote investigation or tax reform without a binding decision in the near future, he said.

Björklund also demanded that the breakdown of the state tax be lifted "vigorously" and that the deductions "develop and not be liquidated".

Other requirements were free renting in newly created homes. Björklund also called for simple jobs with lower starting salaries, for example for newcomers and labor law reforms.

Annie Lööf, from the center, made similar requests, with the exception of the social tax. She pointed out in an interview to Dagens Nyheter, also about the reduction of employers' wages and "the guarantee of free choice of social assistance".

The lion warned

Lööf also demanded "freedom reforms" for the campaign, for example, to build a café or a riding house without a building permit in his farm and to protect the beach shelter.

Many of C & L's claims go directly to what the Social Democrats said in the electoral movement. Löfv's main message was that welfare was before tax cuts. He also warned that the bourgeois parties challenge security in the labor market.

For example, the Center wants small businesses to be excluded from the rules of the crisis, that these rules be based on skills rather than years of employment and that conflict of laws be examined.

The lions have warned in the electoral movement also because the burghers want to increase rents by introducing market rents.

Save more time?

Stefan Löfven has not yet said he would ask the Riksdag president for more time before the Riksdag votes for him as prime minister. The vote of the Prime Minister is scheduled for Wednesday, December 5.

A crucial question is what concrete promises the Löfven must make before voting for C and L to let him go. Many of the most concrete requirements can be negotiated later in the event of budgetary cooperation with the intermediate parties.

To face the vote of the Prime Minister, it is necessary that at least C abstains. The left party can not vote for him with M, KD and SD.

The leader of V, Jonas Sjöstedt, said that there are limits to what V can accept from a federal government that cooperates with C and L. It also states that Stefan Löfven can not be sure that V support him or expose him.

Our mandate is absolutely essential for such a government to have access, says Sjöstedt.

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