Löfven (S) wants to create security – from now on


In his speech to Almedalen, Stefan Löfven made an opposition politician promising to do something completely different from the government in place. Wait a minute, is not it in the government that he pronounced?

Stefan Löfven was most applauded when he pointed out that he would pursue a completely different policy from the current government's policy.

"Now it's the journey of ordinary people.I want to focus on retirees.Hiring more teachers.More highlights.More policemen.I want to implement the biggest program of security of modern times in Sweden.Before that, we build the community that pushes back polarization.Hails back hatred.There is the decisive difference in Swedish politics. "

What he says, c & # 39; 39 is that the biggest difference between the current S government and the government S that he wants to train after the election.

It's contradicted

And the big elephant in the space is the migration. It was barely mentioned. But why do you need more police? Why does Sweden have a growing share of poor retirees while it is decreasing among our neighbors? Why is the community breaking up? Why is polarization increasing?

The answer is that the current government (and the former Alliance government) has conducted a responsible immigration policy. You get a world record of receiving migrants, but you have not prepared the country for a second to finish it.

Now the Löfven is trying to attack this development as though he was not the one who is ultimately responsible for what is going on.

Social democracy leads a thief. It is tested if the Swedish people deceive this way.

But you are not sure that it will succeed. I noticed that during Opionion Live of SVT, which was sent after the speech of Löfven. There, I sat like a cat among the Hermes, surrounded by the noble social-democracy of former Deputy Prime Minister Margareta Winberg (S), former party secretary Lars Stjernkvist (S), debater Daniel Suhonen (S), activist Veronika Palm and editor Widar Andersson S).

Despite this massive takeover, they could not conduct a subjective discussion about why the LO members in conflict are turning to the Swedish Democrats. The Glåpord saluted, and I had to raise my voice and discover that it was rude.

I see their actions as signs of panic among the social democrats. You know how voters take them out of their hands. So you can not argue with matters of matter, but immediately fall into the swamp of personal pursuits against the only opponent in the studio.

Social democracy is about to collapse.

This election can be historic – really.

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