Long queues at NFC to sink the work of the police


The case, according to the program P1 "On behalf of the team", was a case of theft to Eskilstuna. The prisoners were released when the technical investigation took too much time.

– Detainees' detention because it takes too much time with medico-legal work can no longer occur. According to Deputy Governor Mats Löfving, who wants to see a larger NFC, the number of cases has increased over the years

The number of cases at the National Forensic Center has been steadily increasing for 20 years. According to Liselotte Nielsen, chief of the NFC police, two of the reasons are that current requirements for legal certainty are greater and that suspects often choose to remain silent

. both the police and prosecutors, as well as the Office of the Auditor General and the State Office criticized.

READ MORE: The police are alarming: we march

Morgan Johansson wants to see the budgetary contributions to the NFC

The Minister of Justice Morgan Johansson wants a large part of the police "

– I consider it to be one of our highest priority areas, he says.

According to the NFC, you need 200 million additional staff to deal with the situation. his mission.

ALSO READ: Dissatisfaction internally afflicts the battlefield of the police

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