M and SD will be responsible for Staffanstorp – together – P4 Malmöhus


The moderates and the Swedish democrats have several municipal cooperations in the south of Sweden. Now they will be going up together in Staffanstorp Municipality, Skåne, and have presented a joint political action program for the coming term.

M is about 43 percent Voter votes in the municipality and SD received about 11 percent. Together, they form the majority. Christian Sonesson (M), chairman of Staffanstorp City Council, said that there might be less differences between political party politics at the local and national levels.

"During this term, we found that the SD was very close to us politically, and in the municipal council votes, in most cases, we supported our political line," he says.

"It was therefore very easy to set up a political action program," said Christian Sonesson.

l & # 39; Action The man is agreeing on order and care at school, on elder care, on integration and on an increased police presence. You also want to introduce an offer of begging, if it is purely legal, and that "special cultural requirements" should not exist in the activities of the municipality that are also free from religious expressions.

However, at the national level, the party has ceased to cooperate with SD at local, regional and national levels.

"They have their approach to sustainable development and we have here at Staffanstorp and perhaps in many other Skåne locations," said Christian Sonesson.

Christian Sonesson also said that he did not want to examine the ability of national politicians to cooperate. But he thinks an explanation for finding a way to cooperate locally is that M in Skåne is probably a bit more conservative than the national party. One is also a singer of SD who was found in the local politics of the south that in the Riksdag.

"You can appreciate the Swedish Democrats on the basis of what they have done and enjoyed here at Staffanstorp," said Christian Sonesson.

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