M: "Drop-zones on Trossö, in front of the unit price"


   Camilla Brunsberg, opposition council member and moderate group leader, and party colleague Jan Lennartsson, want easier parking in Trossö.

Photo: Mikael Evard

Camilla Brunsberg, opposition council member and moderate group leader, and party colleague Jan Lennartsson, want easier parking in Trossö.

Remove zone classification for residents and define unit parking blocks.

– This idea of ​​finding four parking areas for the residents is stupid and stunned, "said Jan Lennartsson (M) of the previous decision of Governor S. [19659006ItwasontheartontheescentsontheAzurDivision'scontentsandconnectedbyadiscussionsonsocialnetworkscommitteeFacebookKarlskrona20

Tuesday moderators moderating groups Camilla Brunsberg and Jan Lennartsson proposed a pre-election and then the party presented how they want to change the situation in Karlskrona and make it easier to park.

– For us moderates, the attractiveness of Karlskrona is still at center of concern According to Camilla Brunsberg, it is important to have the possibility to park her car

So, three points are proposed for a more comfortable parking:

First of all, you want to see again the Trossokort and return to an area for residents who can park on the # Trossö Ensemble

In addition, the moderators want to reintegrate the unit price of the card, which will apply to both visitors and residents.

However, as far as the unitary tax is concerned, Jan Lennartsson or Camilla Brunsberg can not yet say so, but refer to future negotiations after the elections. But they already promise that the price should not be increased.

Second, there is an inventory of p-places. There will be car-free areas in the center, but the areas to be removed will be replaced. Moderators think that everything Trossö has to be invented, even if it is being built.

Jan Lennartsson sees Pantarholmen as an example of places where it is already difficult to park.

– Pantarholmen will be a big problem, he says.

Third, moderators also have a green parking initiative in their proposal. It is expected that the number of electric cars will increase significantly over the next few years, and it is therefore considered important that the municipality facilitates the expansion of power outlets in cooperation with the industry.

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