Major police force in the Märsta gang


Five people are injured after a shooting and knife cutting in a Märsta pub. A large area around the pub is blocked.

– We probably have some kind of bullet wound. Others are injured by a stick, says Kjell Lindgren to the police.

Police rang Tuesday night in Märsta, north of Stockholm, on a hook. Five people are taken to the hospital. One with a gunshot wound and four with a stick injury, police said.

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"There have been some inconveniences and in this regard it has happened," said Kjell Lindgren, police officer in Stockholm.

Two were arrested

The police characterize the crime as particularly serious. Two people are arrested.

At 3 am Wednesday to Wednesday, police said she was working on the Märsta site.

"We are still in Märsta and are doing a technical investigation at the scene of the crime, and we are going to check the grounds because people have been found in different places," says Kjell Lindgren.

We still do not know what caused the noise and the injured could not be heard on time 03.

"We have hospital staff members who will be in contact with the injured as soon as possible, when health care considers it appropriate," said Kjell Lindgren.

Several witnesses heard the shots

Several people listened to Aftonbladet in the evening and told them they heard gunshots in the area.

"The noise occurred during the closure, so there was probably a lot of people in place," police said.

According to a witness on the site, a large area is blocked.

"Several ambulances have left the site," the witness told Aftonbladet.

During the night, the police heard witnesses on the spot.

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