Manafort refuses to meet Assange – News


According to reports in the newspaper, Manafort and Assange have had meetings at the Embassy of Ecuador in London. Assange was relocated to avoid being sued for presumption of sexual offense, in 2013, 2015 and spring 2016.

Manafort was the former Trump campaign manager and, at the last meeting, he was deeply rooted in the future president's attempt to reach the White House.

It is unclear exactly what Manafort wanted to talk to Assange, but the last alleged meeting could interest the special prosecutor Robert Mueller investigating any contact between the Trump Republican campaign and Russian representatives.

"Met during the electoral movement"

A source reports that Manafort and Assange met in March 2016. During the election, Wikileaks released compromise documents stolen from Democrats' servers.

US intelligence accuses Russia of theft and Wikileaks to act in a conscious mascot with Russia to oppose Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

Returns the data

Manafort's lawyers do not want to answer the Guardian's questions. But he himself refuses the newspaper's data via a spokesman, writes the Reuters news agency.

"This story is completely false and deliberately defamatory, I have never met Julian Assange or any of his relatives," said Manafort according to the spokesman, adding that he was considering suing the Guardian.

Paul Manafort is one of the main witnesses of the Mueller investigation. In September he signed a collaboration agreement with the prosecutor.

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