Måns, 17, drowned the municipal accommodation in Gothenburg


In Wednesday's program, the "Mission Review" was notified to the IVO, the Inspectorate of Care and Care, regarding misconduct in housing and housing. group for children and adults with disabilities.

The report "Behind closed doors" shows that several notifications concern cases where people have been left unattended and have suffered very serious incidents. A number of cases are included in the program.

For Måns, 17, and her family, the lack of care has had catastrophic consequences.

Constant need for care

The parents had left their son in a short-stay home in Gothenburg, where he lived a few nights or nights a week. Måns needed constant care and supervision, but when he was going to wash, the staff left him completely alone in the bathtub.

Måns was found dead in the bathtub and taken to the hospital, but his life could not be saved.

Photo: Image from "Mission Review", SVT.

He was found lifeless in the water in January of this year and was taken to the Sahlgrenska University Hospital for treatment – but his life could not be saved, which GT reported previously.

The "Mission Review" of the SVT shows that there was another youngster at the place of accommodation who found Mån lifeless in the bathtub, not the staff.

READ MORE: A boy is dead – severe criticism of the municipality

Following the tragic event, the IVO opened an investigation and directed sharp criticism on the city of Gothenburg. The Authority believes that the municipality has not taken drastic action despite the fact that it was known that there had been housing problems for several years, says SVT.

Just three months earlier, another very serious event had occurred in the same short-term home. Then a girl in the tub was so scolded that she was hospitalized for nearly two weeks.

Immediately after the death, the housing was closed with immediate effect.

"Encourage a culture of silence"

In the summer of 2016, a support teacher was hired to get accommodation with a new boss, telling him "Mission Review". Support Pagoda says in SVT:

"I knew it was a strange, short-lived residence." The Work Environment Authority and IVO had been involved in the past. a lot of management changes.

The support program at the time then tells the program that he was facing a series of workplace misconducts, related to conflicts within the group and that "you were coming and going as you wish ".

– There was a culture of silence and there was no routine for working with children. He was missing and inadequate documentation, he says, before doing a "real job" to solve the problems.

Implementation plans and work routines have been created.

"Unfortunately, not all staff followed that," he says in "Mission Review."

In the fall of 2017, educational support has concluded its employment in accommodation.

"I could not see the parents and parents in my eyes and say that your child is safe here, I've done everything for the management to wake up," he says in "Mission Review."

"Can not fix"

Ingela Johansson, Head of Functional Support for Social Resource Management in Gothenburg, told the WG that she was still very touched by the January event of this year.

"But that does not help the family that their child is missing, it can not be fixed, something like that must not happen," she says.

Ingela Johansson, Operations Manager for Functional Support for Social Resource Management in Gothenburg, participates in the Mission Review. She tells the GT: "It's unimaginable that the boy was left alone in the bathtub."

Photo: TSV

Ingela Johansson proved that she would have known that the children were not safe in the housing at the time of the death.

"What we received during our sheltering period was drug discrepancies and a current restrictive measure, and staff sometimes did not manage their reporting time. or help with cleaning, we did not feel that working in the relationship with the children was a problem, she says.

Ingela Johansson believes that the responsibility lies with the employees who were employed when Måns drowned.

"I do not know exactly what happened, but I know you left it in the bathtub unattended.It is completely unthinkable for me.It can not be more serious than That's it had not been left alone, it would not have happened, she said.

The same thing says a unit manager who was responsible, among other things, for the current housing in a previous interview with GP:

– The deviation reports are intended for staff to inform our managers of all that does not work. And in these, there is nothing about children going bad. If that had been the case, we would of course have acted directly.

Suspected of crimes

After the death of the moon, a criminal investigation was opened. The two employees on duty are still suspected of death to death.

– A preliminary inquiry is in progress. Something has not been mentioned yet. But the investigation is in the final stages, said Peter Kron, head of the criminal investigation group in Greater Gothenburg.

In the case, the prosecutor, James von Reis, said that he had not yet decided whether to continue or not.

– It is always necessary to obtain more information. The decisions in the questionnaire arrive in a month, he explains.

The report in camera will be broadcast on SVT1 on Wednesday, October 31 and will be available at SVT Play from noon.

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