Marco fights against fire at Ängra


Marco Hassoldt returned to the evacuated Ängra colony. Now, he is volunteering in extinction and fighting to save his camp from violent forest fires. If he has hope?

– No, not now

Marco Hassoldt, 53, seems stressed when we call him by phone and he can only promise a discussion in minutes, no more.

– Now, there is a new fire against us, so we will gather all the strength and prepare ourselves. He is raging along Highway 84 and he seems to be serious, he says.

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Bombardment of water in the Ängerån Nature Reserve Monday evening

On July 14, the municipality of Ängra and Ljusdal went on a rampage. The data tells us that the 13,500 hectare networks went up in smoke.

The relief service describes the situation as extreme and resources from all over the country were sent to Ljusdal to help with the extinction of the work.

"Just Wants To Fight"

Marco Hassoldt has his campsite in Ängra, when the entire colony was evacuated on Monday, Marco chose to return there Tuesday. Now he is fighting the fire and working 24 hours a day to protect his campsite.

– When you see a fire for the first time, you're shocked, it's scary. But after a few days, you lose that feeling and you just want to fight, beat and fight.

At one point, Marco was afraid of his own life. He stood in the middle of the forest with other volunteers, initially believing that the situation was under control.

– Professional firefighters were on their way, but the wind turned toward us, throwing their belongings and running. It was very, very unpleasant.

Do you have any hope that the fire will extinguish?

– No, not now This bite you lose.

MSB Appeals: "Respect Fire Prohibition"