Miss Dante, 12, was found dead


Dante, 12, was found dead, suspects the police.

After three days of intensive research, all activity was interrupted.

Instead, the sad message has come.

On Friday afternoon, his family learned that it was likely that Dante's police had died.

Falkenberg was taken home for three days in search of 12-year-old Dante.

People have been spleen to help with the research.

Police, military and coastal rescue, as well as thousands of Missing People volunteers, searched night and day, on land and in the water, after the happy little guy with Down syndrome.

And late Friday afternoon, the message that many began to fear.

The request has been completed.

Patrols of dogs and other people were recalled.

And at half-past five in the afternoon, the police convened a press meeting on the Vinberg Parliament car park in Falkenberg at 5:15 pm.

There the police announced:

"At 3:40 pm, we found a dead person at the Herting Generating Station," said Christer Bartholdsson, District Police Officer.

The body is not completely identified, but everything indicates that it is the missing boy that you have found.

"Families have been told that it's probably Dante we met," said Christer Bartholdsson.

According to Christer Bartoldsson, the dead were found in Ätran, at the gates of the Herting power station, on the outskirts of the center of Falkenberg.

What happened to Dante, the police can not answer yet.

However, the crime rate remains human rights.

"The ongoing investigation into alleged crimes is ongoing, but nothing helps today to reinforce suspicions of crime," said Christer Bartholdsson.

He does not want to know how it happened when the deceased was found or who or who met the deceased.

"You checked the grids at the plant," explains Christer Bartholdsson.

Like everyone else, he is deeply affected by the tragic message.

"It's really fun in every respect, after all, we all tried to find him alive.

He notes how grateful the police are to the thousands of people who have participated in the research and who have participated in the research over the past three days.

"I am extremely happy both as a police officer and as a person of this commitment," said Christer Bartholdsson.

"Just on this occasion, the thoughts are of course to Dante's relatives and, in the first place, to his family.

The message that Dante probably died was received with sadness and consternation at the press conference held at the Vinberg Parish House and throughout Falkenberg.

Since Dante disappeared, police and other authorities, as well as volunteers, have been searching around the clock.

It was an end that nobody wanted to experience.

"It was a very moving press meeting," said Gustaf Tronarp, Aftonbladets, stationed at the parish house.

The text is being updated.

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