Missing stories about the hanging celebrations of lucia are spreading


A clear sign that Christmas is coming to Sweden is that a large number of voices in social media raise allegations about suspended celebrations of lucia or other events considered to have a negative impact on the celebration of A Christmas tradition. 2016 received
false allegations that Sweden has banned Christmas lighting for "unaffected Muslims" widely spread internationally and until October
According to a DN report, TV4 has refrained from sending the Christmas concert "O Helga Night" to the service of Islam.

So was also the case by the end of November misleading allegations about lucia have even sometimes resulted in threats.

Already during October 23
A correspondent from Östgöta said that parents with children from Kärrbacken kindergarten in Motala had been informed that, according to the newspaper, at a parents' meeting two days ago, the suspension of Lucia would be engaged. According to parents, the argument should have been that the celebration is not mentioned in the program, that some families may not have the means to buy lucia clothes and that some children might be afraid to face a group.

The statement quickly became a wealth and was attracted by a large number of Swedish media.

The following week, the preschool met with the school board to review what had attracted media attention. Anna Karmskog, director of the kindergarten, then told the media that all this was a misunderstanding and that Lucia would be aware of it, even without the presence of parents.

– It's a pity. There was never any question of not celebrating it. The change is that you do not celebrate traditionally with tutors. There was a lack of communication, "said Yvonne Larsen, Head of Operations for Motala Kindergartens,
then to the correspondent of Östgöta.

Anna Karmskog, in an email to DN, confirms that a celebration of lucia will take place, but without parents.

"Of course, we will celebrate the traditions at Kärrbacken kindergarten, as Lpfö-98/16 says, but in the words used by the children.What we are suppressing is the participation of the public Guards and the requirement of traditional clothing.This is not related to religion or that children come from different cultures, which I understand from the media that make it angular.

Of course, it is not a question of suppressing local and national traditions, but of designing them according to the society in which we live and taking into account. "

Another story began to spread Sunday in connection with the leader of the debate Joakim Lamotte
an article on his Facebook page regarding a ban on lucia that should have been decided at the school of Åsen in Mellerud, which applies to both college and high school. Lamotte interviewed parents who were upset by this decision.

– Everyone would not be welcome at Lucia's celebrations, according to the schools. But last week, the school celebrated Muhammad's trip to paradise without even telling us. Religions should be able to live side by side. Then you can not reasonably choose Christian stories and celebrations, says a parent to Lamotte.

Joakim Lamotte's messages have received more than 8,000 interactions, including awards, divisions and comments. The statement was even more widespread because of the attention paid to, among other things, the right-handed Political Facts website.

according to
News24 who reviewed the application is based on an information flyer listing the activities of the month of December. On the note, it should be noted Lucia, but you do not specify which date.

"It's completely in the air, it's a lie, it does not matter.You just post this without checking any source.It's a lie simply," said the director. school, Lena Andersson, at News24.

On Monday, the municipality of Mellerud posted a post on its Facebook page where it was said that the allegations were false.

"It is obvious that Lucia is noticed, but this year, the guardians will not be invited without the students celebrating a celebration of lucia with the teachers of the school."
in the post.

Joakim Lamotte came later to update his message. On Thursday, he criticized the News24 article. According to Lamotte, it had five sources in total, which meant that the celebration of the lucia was suspended and that the response of the principal is most likely post-construction.

according to
P4 West, the principal of the school was victim of harassment and hatred after the allegations, which was reported to the police. We should also have strengthened the security of the school.

– I felt that I had enough reliable information to publish the news and I did not regret it. So, of course, it's sad if there is a threat to the director, says Joakim Lamotte
in Ttela.

The last story began to spread during Wednesday. The 24kalmar local online newspaper published
An article titled "Figures of Spice Bread" is forbidden in Lucifer: "Complete Plot". According to the article, the Lindholm School in Kalmar will ban gingerbread ads in the school trains of Lucia, this newspaper may be considered racist. </ P> <p> The magazine refers to to a parent who should have heard that from his child.

– Children must be children. I think that has been traced out completely. On the one hand, you have to work with the flag of pride, which everyone will have to decide for themselves. Why is not it the same with spice bread? You do not have to do it so seriously, says the parent.

A follow-up article explains to the director of the school that it is a misunderstanding. According to the director, it's been 20 years since you've had gingerbread ads in the Lucerne carpet. It should have been created for a year, when almost every student wanted to become a tomato or gingerbread pub. In order to prevent all the students from dressing up for the same thing, they have scrambled the gingerbread pubs. This has since become a tradition. According to the director, a teacher should have discussed with the students to see if this could be considered an offense to the gingerbread ads, which led the subject to be brought to the attention of the media later . However, there is no formal ban on gingerbread ads, according to the director.

– You can love being. There is absolutely no position, on the contrary. We have lucia trainings and traditions every year and there is no active position, "says Karin Berggren, director of 24 Kalmar.

The same thing also says Karin Berggren to DN.

The question of how and if Lucia should be noted in Swedish schools has been infected for a long time. Discussions similar to those of this year were evoked in 2014 when several nursery schools in Kumla chose not to organize traditional celebrations of lucia, which
aroused strong criticism from parents.

DN has applied for the responsibility of Åsens School and Förskolan Kärrbacken.

resume: There is no reason to believe that the lucie celebrations should have taken place in the indicated schools. These events seem rather to mean that schools have chosen to organize lucia trains where parents are not invited. This should be interpreted as having the celebrations of lucie as a whole. The DN therefore considers that the declarations are incorrect.

Update from 29 Nov. 18:11: A quote from Anna Karmskog has been added to the article.

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