Moderates want crisis support for farmers


Enköping. Urgent efforts are needed to help Swedish peasants after the prolonged drought – and the government is doing little.
According to the moderate leader Ulf Kristersson, he presented today the moderators' crisis packages

The Alliance now calls the Minister of Agriculture, Sven-Erik Bucht (S), to the Environment and Agriculture Committee of the Swedish Parliament

– A difficult crisis According to Ulf Kristersson (M), the consequences will be for a long time to come.

Moderate leader Ulf Kristersson visited a farm in Enkoping, Sweden, to get an idea of ​​the drought crisis that hit Swedish farmers.

He had the agricultural spokesperson for the mother, Maria Malmer Stenergard. Together, they warned that the financial difficulties of Swedish farmers can become serious.

– The obvious risk now is that we are lame Swedish farmers and in a situation where we want to increase self-sufficiency, that's a bad way to go, says Ulf Kristersson

Financial Compensation – Refund of the diesel tax

Ulf Kristersson sees the need for financial support for the industry affected by the crisis. Support is to increase the liquidity of farmers who already have low margins.

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Ulf Kristersson arrives at the press conference in Enköping.

The moderators also want to reduce the tax on diesel to a rate per liter starting next year. The party also wants to see a retroactive tax cut for diesel used in the second half of 2018.

– We want to see a reduction that will improve the liquidity and long-term economy of Swedish farmers, says Ulf Kristersson (19659004) also that EU support to farmers should be paid faster but also be advanced.

"Think we would agree on that"

Kristersson wants to see changes in the budget to fund aid. Many efforts have already been agreed with the government, and Kristersson is ready to begin political talks for changes to the fall budget change.

The Alliance Calls the Minister of Agriculture to the Committee

The Alliance Calls the Minister of Agriculture Minister of Agriculture Sven-Erik Bucht (S) to the Riksdag Environment and Agriculture Committee. We now want to respond to what is being done for Swedish farmers during the current crisis because of the heat.

– There are locks in the government that we do not have time to wait. Agriculture Minister Sven-Erik Bucht (S) said in an interview with Svenska Dagbladet that a national support package was being prepared, said Maria Malmer Stenergard (M). can hope for support from the EU.

– We must demand support in case of crisis from the EU. The EU is a political organization that Sweden needs to create alliances for support, says Maria Malmer Stenergard.

This happened in the "Feed Crisis" 00: 50