More affected by heat waves in the world | Gothenburg after


More and more people are exposed to heat waves, reports Ekot on Swedish radio. And the heat collects more lives than floods and other extreme weather events.

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157 million more people were exposed to heat waves in 2017 compared to 2000.

Every year we see a growing proportion of the population exposed to heat waves, and this increases over time, "says Joacim Rocklöv, a professor at Umeå University.

The Lancet Countdown is a research project that examines the impact of climate change on health. Each year, a report on the project is published in The Lancet magazine.

Joacim Rocklöv is one of the authors of the report. He says that seniors and people with cardiovascular disease, for example, are most at risk of excessive heat.

Even the presence of the mosquito at the origin of dengue has reached unprecedented levels and will likely continue to increase as the weather warms up.

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