More children with parents in debt – News (Ecotourism)


According to new figures from Kronofogden, the number of children living with indebted parents is increasing, which creates insecurity among children.

– Many children can worry about family finances. What we think is important is that children do not feel alone in this situation or that it is their responsibility. It's the responsibility of adults, "says Anna-Karin Lindahl, who works to prevent debt in Kronofogden.

In Grums County nearly two in ten children have parents in debt while there are only two. Percentage in Skåne Lomma where the number is the lowest. A total of 176,000 children have at least one indebted parent in Kronofogden.

– It does not necessarily have to work for poor families, but it can work for almost all families who have a shoulder in Kronofogden, Anna-Karin Lindahl explains.

They did not do an analysis of the amount of debt or the type of debt that the children 's families have, but the most common liabilities of the Kronofogden are towards the. State.

– Public debt such as the tax on television, taxes, etc. Anna-Karin Lindahl

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