More skeptical about the decision of a free bus trip


The municipality has allocated 20 million SEK for Malmö's elderly people to travel free on public transport. But many older people are still afraid of not getting lost. Uno Kjellkvist appreciates the initiative of politicians, but he wonders if it is just an election issue.

Uno Kjellkvist hopes that the decision in the city of Malmö to introduce free travel for the elderly will be implemented. If not, he will organize a new demonstration, he says. Image: Moa Dahlin

Sydsvenskan wrote on Friday about a demonstration in Malmö to encourage politicians to decide on free public transport for the elderly. The article does not show that such a decision has already been made. On 19 and 20 June, the city council decided that around 20 million crowns would be allocated to all Malmö over 70 to travel for free.

Uno Kjellkvist was one of the initiators of the protest, despite the decision made on Friday. It's a matter of choice pork, it resonated. As a result, around 30 people gathered at Gustav Adolf Square and train together at the Town Hall.

While at City Hall they were invited for cake and coffee. City Council Andreas Schönström (S) told them that the municipality has already responded to their requests and that in the future, they will travel for free.

– Many of them were worried because it is time to flee. But I told them that they should not worry. The decision is made and it is something we have been working with since last year.

On Friday, elderly people in Malmö have shown that the city of Malmö should introduce the free bus trip for the elderly Image: Moa Dahlin

At the town hall, municipal politicians invited the retired to the cake – Since the decision on the free bus trip has already been made for residents of Malmö over 70 years. Image: Private

The day after the demonstration, Uno Kjellkvist is still skeptical. True, the decisions of politicians are better than what he expected – but he dares not believe that they keep what they promised. Now he is waiting for a specific message from the municipality

– We do not take anything in advance. At the meeting after the demonstration, we said that if we had not received a message by December, we would organize a new event.

There is still work to be done before the decision is made

says Andreas Schönström, and continues:

– Now it's not going well in Malmö. But if everything goes as planned, we hope it will start in December or January

Why is this an important reform?

– Many older people are very isolated. They can not ride a bike or drive a car and it costs to travel by public transport. According to Andreas Schönström, it is first and foremost an important reform to allow older people in Malmö to participate in recreational activities in the same way as others

The opposition also wants to facilitate the Use of public transport by the elderly

. agree in principle, but we have different solutions. Håkan Fäldt (M), Second Vice-President of the Technical Committee, made a similar proposal


This means the decision of the city

Anyone in Malmö who has reached the age of 70 years can travel free by public transport from 9:00 to 15:00 and 18:00 on weekdays Weekends and holidays, they can travel whenever they want.

In total, 36,000 Malmö residents can travel for free. However, some of them are entitled to a travel service

If everything goes as it should, the decision is supposed to start in December or January.

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