Morgan Johansson on the killings in Malmö and Örebro


In the last two weeks, one person was killed every other day at stopovers. It is a development that the society can not accept, estimates the Prime Minister Stefan Löfven

Now the government acts and calls the police to an emergency meeting.

– I asked Interior Minister Morgan Johansson to sit down police and listen. Is there anything else you need? And then we will bring resources, says the Prime Minister to DN

Stefan Löfven reacts strongly to the landslides of the last weeks when DN meets him to the world of Astrid Lindgren in Vimmerby.

– It's terrible I think. So, we have humans, in my opinion, pitiful cold-blooded killers who put regions in horror.

Much effort has been made in this area, and the political conversation is a lot about the tougher roof. Is it harder to work?

– This is both and. Second, we need more police. As a result, twice as much police training now starts against when we took power. The police now have more resources because it can create jobs, improve conditions, there may be equipment problems. But there are also laws, says Löfven, and continues:

– We also saw that when the police and other authorities collaborate and focus on these gangs, they can attack them based on different types of legislation. If you have cheated on the tax, the tax office may be included.

Just in the last two days, two serious shootings took place in Örebro and Malmö. Since June 18, at least seven people have been killed in alleged gangs and several have been injured.

– This is a disturbing development . Malmö police and Örebro police must now force the forces to carry out the investigations that must be taken to arrest the perpetrators, said Justice Minister Morgan Johansson in DN

He will have talks with Richard Thornberg Wednesday

– During the day, I will speak to the National Police Chief to find out how investigations are conducted and if any other government activities are needed. Morgan Johansson said:

Governor Anders Thornberg says that the situation with stopovers is very serious and that it is completely unacceptable. that this is happening in Sweden.

According to Thornberg, the police use all available resources so that no more shootings will occur, while saying that the Swedish police are understaffed.

– We have too few resources. The population has increased a lot in a few years, the threat has increased, the complexity of investigations has increased. At the moment, the police will be in pain.

Morgan Johansson points out that the police had both resources and new legislation to access the people behind the shootings.

– It's about making sure the new legislation is used to the fullest extent possible so you can bury as much as you can. The only way to handle it is to hit hard. And the police now have better resources and tools than ever before, "said Morgan Johansson. [ad_2]
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