Morgan Johansson: Then the gang crimes will be stopped


After the assassinations of recent weeks, the government summoned the police to an emergency meeting

Justice Minister Morgan Johansson presented the latest proposal of the Social Democrats to fight gang crime . – and Johansson says that more young people want to receive a boo photo.

For more than two weeks, seven men were shot dead and 14 men wounded, including Malmö and Örebro. Last week, the government announced that he had been called to the police at an emergency meeting and on Wednesday, Morgan Johansson met with police in Visby during the so-called Almedal Week. .

– I think it's a pitiful, cold-blooded killer we're dealing with now. It must be very hard, said then Prime Minister Stefan Löfven.


Morgan Johansson (S).

A stronger punishment for young people

The Minister of Justice calls for a press conference to present the proposal of the Social Democrats to try to put an end to gang crime. There are several proposals for combating criminal gangs and crime prevention.

Johansson intended, among other things, to remove the penalties for people aged 18 to 20 who commit crimes. Reducing penalties involves getting a discount on his or her sentence due to a low age.

– At age 18, you will be tried as an adult, says Morgan Johansson, which means that an 18-year-old may come

An investigator will submit a report to the government about it in December and the Investigation will also focus on the punishment of 15-17 year olds who commit crimes.

Johansson: fotboja adolescents

In addition, Morgan Johansson wants to add another possible punishment for young criminals.

– We are preparing a new sentence for young people called home arrests, if you act as a young person committing crimes.

According to Morgan Johansson Would it be verified by a boo photo.

– You can go to school but stay in the evenings and on weekends with a boo photo. It's something we're ready to continue for some young people who are heading for a deeper crime, "said Johansson in the press.

In addition, we want to grow so that there are has more sites SiS.

– We built with 100 seats, but we have to expand with additional places and we are ready to set aside the required money.

Cameras will stop international leagues [19659008] Morgan Johansson says that we want to beat the international ravaged leagues in Sweden – among other things thanks to increased surveillance of cameras in border areas.

– Some leagues in Europe drive cars and we now want a camera surveillance system at the borders, with cameras that can recognize the panels that can make a profiling According to Morgan Johansson, we want to extinguish 100 million crowns for such a survival

He also wants to expand camera surveillance in more places in the country. According to Morgan Johansson, there are more cameras than ever in Sweden's streets and squares – but you want to expand it further

More money for criminal care

At the conference press, Morgan Johansson spoke about the efforts of the police. You also want to invest more money in the rest of the chain, because the Social Democrats want the public prosecutor's office, the prosecution and the courts to receive 800 million crowns a year.

– We are now moving towards an increase of 800 crowns a year as we go to the elections. This is an important message for the prosecution and prosecutors and it is because we are witnessing an expansion, "said the Minister of Justice at the press conference

Here's how : Violence and Crime 02:15

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