The Green Party wants to increase food security in Sweden and increase the production of organic food.
– We want to reintroduce a national goal of self-sufficiency of 80%. We want to conduct a parliamentary inquiry to find out how this goal can be achieved, said Isabella Lövin at a press conference in Visby on Sunday.
– Previously, Sweden had a much higher degree of food self – sufficiency than today.
Gustav Fridolin, second official language, says the party also wants to double the budget for conversion to organic production.
Lovvin, who is also Minister of Development and Climate in the red-green government, launches the press conference to present a graphic image of the surpluses of global warming:
– The heat record after heat registration is now established on the globe. It is a state of emergency in California, people are dying under a heat wave in eastern Canada, it is over 50 degrees in Algeria. And at the same time we have a violent rain in Japan, never seen before.
She continues:
– It's something we must take seriously. This has been the case for scientists for decades.
– We must be prepared for the fact that we can not live by importing 50% of the food we consume in Sweden.
– We are currently in a state of drought crisis. The lining you need to wear in barns in winter is already starting to be used.
Gustav Fridolin Supplements in:
– We have conscious consumers and skilled farmers, but we have become more and more dependent on imports.
] – Our dependence on agricultural inputs is a major reason for an increasingly vulnerable food supply. We depend on imports to maintain our own production.
Fridolin mentions import goods for agriculture as fuel, fodder and manure.
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