MSB: High risk of new fires in southern Sweden


Photo: Lisa Abrahamsson / TT

The gun with Polish fire trucks passed Rättvik on Sunday. On their way north, they met with jubilation and applause.

The shooting position is very serious, according to the Authority for Social Protection and Preparedness (MSB). Now, temperatures are rising, and the risk of fire is increasing to extreme levels, even in southern Sweden.

According to Britta Ramberg, MSB's operations director, the situation is very serious with 22 more difficult fires. According to her, it will not be possible to extinguish fires in the near future. Instead, the work is focused on limiting the spread.

The risk of fire during the week will reach extreme levels, the risk of new fires is very high. In southern Sweden and at Mälardalen, Ramberg states at the MSB press conference

MSB now prioritizes the review of resources for the country and ensures that resources available at national and local levels come from the ports.

– We work closely with our northern neighbors and with the EU, says Britta Ramberg

A base camp will be established in Ljusdal, she says.

The County Administrative Board takes over

According to Per Bill, Governor of Gävleborg County, at a press conference, the Municipality of Ljusdal concluded that the County Administrative Board take responsibility for the municipal civil protection service.

This is the second time that this occurs. The first time was under the forest fire in Västmanland in 2014.

– This is not a quick decision, but it's a decision that has increased, says Per Bill, congratulating the work done by the municipality of Ljusdal

– with the biggest fire in modern times. According to Chief of Rescue Robert Strid in Ljusdal, the situation in English is very critical

– We have spread fire in some areas of the fire zone. English is the most critical. Even Ängra had fires that fought in the air and with landslides, "says Robert Strid

Portuguese plans on the road

In Dalarna, the night was quieter than before.

– The night was calm. We are entitled to some heat of open fire and unique pyrande fires. Today, two fire plans come here, one in the morning and two in the afternoon. In addition, we will receive the aid of seven helicopters, two of which come from Norway, "said Emma Jidemyr at the Dalarna rescue service.

During the day, the firefly will continue in the Ljusdals area. , plans will be sent to Dalarna and fire in the crowd.

In addition to the four planes that are in the air to fight the various fires, two more Portuguese plans are at the entrance. [19659004OnSundaynight44firetrucksand139firemenarrivedfromPolandinSveginJämtlandCounty

The Polish unit, which has crossed the country from Skåne Trelleborg since Saturday morning, was greeted by Hejarop of people on the road, will stay in Sweden for a week to begin.

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