Municipalities work against gambling addiction is slow


Since the beginning of the year, municipalities and county councils have taken on more and more responsibilities in the treatment of gambling addicts. This is after the Riksdag decided to change the law, just to clarify responsibility for the treatment of vulnerable people.

But the legislative change has been slow to implement, showing a study by Ekot in Swedish radio.

According to the survey, 6 of the 20 county councils say that they still do not have any specific treatment to combat abusive gambling. And 8 out of 20 county councils have not yet agreed with the municipalities on how to treat the treatment.

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At the municipal level, most people say they offer treatment of all kinds. But the legislation also requires preventive action and 9 out of 10 municipalities respond that they still do not have an action plan.

"In agreements that municipalities and county councils are required to produce, it is necessary to agree on how to allocate responsibilities." We see here, from SKL, that we must help municipalities and county councils to clarify the division of responsibilities, this is a work in progress and we agree, "says Mikael Malm, director of SKL at Ekot.

Over the past three weeks, 230 of the 290 municipalities and 20 of the 21 county councils and regions in the country have responded to the Ekot questionnaire.

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