Murder in Malmö: Eleven strikes and five deaths in 16 days


Elva shot and five dead – in 16 days

Here is what it looks like in Malmö after filming today at Nydala Park

– It's a situation difficult, of course, we look very serious. Westford

The death rate for the recent wave of murders in Malmö now stands at five

Eleven people were shot and wounded to a different extent.

The spiral of violence began with a triple outside of a cybercafe on Drottninggatan in central Malmö on June 18

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The perpetrators opened fire with automatic weapons from a car – with the result that three men, two of whom died, died and three men were injured

Police described the victims involved in "gross organized crime in Malmö". And the day after the triple killings, the local police chief Stefan Sintéus warned of revenge actions

– When you have this kind of constellations, there is always a risk, we have it as a hypothesis job. And the policeman was right – already in a few days, on the eve of St. John, a 24-year-old man was killed in the Lindängen district of Malmö.

The man was sitting in a car at Lindängsplan. According to police sources Aftonbladet, the shooting was directly linked to the triple murders on Drottninggatan

Photo: Krist Hansson

The Nydalapark was blocked after the shooting

The shooting collapsed [19659008] people suspected of deceiving Lindängen – and one of them should have been involved in the triple murder, and then suffered a slight injury in the coal rain. [196] 59004] Saturday after St. John's, the shooting continued when a 19-year-old boy was shot in Malmö – but managed to survive because he was wearing a protective jacket.

The next day, the police asked for reinforcements. but also from NOA's National Operations Department, to counter the investigations that follow the wave of traumatic violence.

After a break in the shootings for a week, the wave of violence continues when a man at the age of 20 is taken care of by Nydalatorget in Malmö

About 15 hours later he was still time.

On the same square in the residential area of ​​Nydala, one or more people shot at two men. A 25-year-old man died and a 30-year-old man was seriously injured.

"The situation is difficult"

Police describe numerous murders as settlements between gang criminals in different constellations

– We are worried about escalating between individuals and it is almost impossible for us to To offend that. These are people who are in violation of each other and it is incredibly difficult for us to avoid this. Eva-Gun Westford, South Region police, says police in Skåne area are under heavy pressure from shots in town

– The situation is difficult. especially when it is the hottest vacation month of the year. We have a few weeks before us where we will turn all the resources we have to make it go together, "said Eva-Gun Westford.

The three titles of today 00: 29

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