Murder suspects met at an international event in Sundsvall


The suspect, aged 44, was arrested and arrested in the Orebro District Court on suspicion of murdering the woman. The man was later released when the prosecutor failed to reinforce suspicions against him.

In mid-May this year, a woman from Örebro was lost. A few days after her disappearance, she was found dead, not far from the residence. A man was later designated by the police as the main suspect of the murder of the woman. The man was summoned for an arrest, but was released in the absence of evidence.

According to, the alleged 44-year-old man in Sundsvall was at the end of the week when a noise occurred.

Both the alleged man and the murdered wife were working at leisure and it was an event related to Sundsvall's recreational activities.

Before the start of the event, participants were locked in a large room according to the rules.

– We were invited to have coffee and brioches while we were locked up. In the room, this man was suspected of XX's murder. Suddenly, he shouted "What are you waiting for?", States a witness at

Several in the room should have responded to the event. One of them replied that there was no one watching him. "Good", the 44-year-old had to answer.

According to him, he must have toured the premises. Many of the participants should have felt provoked by the behavior of the man. The participants in the competition should have been locked up with the alleged killer for over an hour.

"This competition means that we have to lock things in. Of course, we have safety routines in case of fire or whatever, but otherwise no one is allowed in or out," said Peter Höglund, responsible for security during the event.

Many are afraid of him because he is suspected of murder. It was very unpleasant when he was walking in the room

According to the witness, felt many in the room the woman when she was alive. They also knew that the 44-year-old man was suspected of murder.

"I try to avoid it myself." Many are afraid of him because he is suspected of murder.It was very unpleasant when he was walking around the room. said to resign, but he simply replied, "I did not know you had to get close to anyone," said the witness.

Locks in the area of ​​the villa in Örebro after the death of the woman.

The situation inside The room had to be in about ten minutes. The situation worsened when the 44-year-old witnessed a lively discussion with one of the participants.

– They found themselves in the stack of each other. The alleged killer pushed the man, who defended himself by pushing him away. Then the suspect took the man who raised his hands to protect himself, said the witness.

There was an argument between two men. When I arrived to understand everything, they wanted us to call the police

Several people inside In the room, there should have been one between them and distinguish the two men. The police were called instead.

"There was an argument between two men, when I came to understand everything, they wanted us to call the police, the police were here and talked to the people involved, they got a notification and stayed here for maybe half an hour I do not know what the noise was talking about, "says Höglund.

After the police left the place must be closed and participants must have abandoned to perform the activity of the competition.

I am aware that a notification has been prepared for an event there

The police confirm that ST.NO they sent a police escalator to the scene after a break at the event.

– I know that a notification has been prepared for an event on the spot. There is a secret of confidentiality and I can not tell you what it is, "said Maria Högbom, a police investigator from Sundsvall.

The event inside the room is described by the witness as unpleasant and many people have been sick.

"It is terribly tragic because it was also the day of all the saints.We were many to know XX.It was very sad because she would have really been with it.

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