Nazi suspects for crimes in Almedalen – Inland / Foreign


We received a conversation from a witness who saw a group scandalize and roll a newspaper, "said Mats Eriksson, spokesman for the police

The Nazis of the Nordic Resistance Movement arrived at the police just before half past midnight Saturday The group included between 20 and 30 people, but many of them disappeared when the police came in. They should have, among other things, shouted "sieg heal!". [19659003] The group should also have vandalized the position of rolling Express, according to the newspaper.

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Shadows of the members of the Resistance Movement (NMR) during their speech at Hamnplan in Visby during the political week in Almedalen

On Saturday afternoon, five Nazis were arrested.At the time of the 18th, however, three of them had been released.

But the suspicion remains, they are questioned said police spokeswoman Carina Skagerlind.

Police also identified other people belonging to the group who chanted to Visby during the night.

A young boy on a bicycle is suspected of being beaten by Nazis outside a bakery in Klintehamn on Gotland, writes Svenska Dagbladet

. Nazis and spotted on the ground in front of them.

One of them got up, took my basket and shot me. Three of them then stopped at me and shouted. One urged him against the asphalt, he told the newspaper.

Then the Nazis settled to recover, as certified by the owner of the bakery. The police have been set up and filed a notification but for the moment that only testimonials to be made.

Omkull Knuffings

Another event occurred in place of giving at 11:52 at the same time as a seminar in Visby when a man was approached photographed by a person from the Nazi NMR, Aftonbladet writes. The man tried to move away from the camera.

Then he hugged me and I fell back, he told the newspaper.

The police confirm the course of events. According to Carina Skagerlind, the police were in place, but no one is deprived of liberty.

During the night, an art installation was vandalized with shoes to recall the Holocaust. But this event is not related to the NMR

What we can see when we look at the survey material, is that people are looking for graves on the site, "said Carina Skagerlind, the president of the police

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