New earthquake in western Sweden: "very unusual"


The scale reaches a magnitude of 1.9 on the Richter scale. The shells were discovered 13 kilometers north of Götene and seven kilometers east of Hällekis, which Aftonbladet was the first to report

. Lake Vänern with a magnitude of 1.9. According to Björn Lund, Senior Lecturer in Seismology, the reports we received in advance were made in the vicinity of Mariestad, Götene, Kinnekulle and Hällekis.

Third shave in a short time

The scale is the third in a short time in Sweden. On the day of the summer solstice, many people were awakened in the area of ​​Skara and Skövdet by an earthquake. The magnitude was then 3.2. It had an epicenter 9 kilometers north-east of Skara, 22 kilometers deep. So, much stronger than that.

A time after that, an earthquake occurred south of Kalix. The preliminary magnitude was 3.3, so slightly stronger than the first.

On the scale of the last plateau, Björn Lund says this:

– This is about where the border usually goes when earthquakes are felt. Those who reported us most heard a sounder, like thunder or a train that passed. And those who know the scale seem to be in the epicenter area, in the neighborhood where the scabbard has occurred.

It continues:

– Such an earthquake of 1.9 is more than 30 times lower in the energy development than when it is finished. 3. We are talking about more than 50 times lower. It has indeed felt in a region, but is not the same size as the plateau of mid-summer.

According to Björn Lund, there is no reason to worry. According to him, the shovel is relatively small and does not cause any major damage to the earth.

– Magnitudes 4, 5 must be broken to break things. If you enter 5, there will be damage in the area where the ladders occur. We have not had such a large land in the historical era. Finally, we had the magnitude 5.4 in 1904 outside the Koster Islands. He did some damage.

The expert: "Unusual"

However, he describes the many cases in a short period of time as unusual.

– We had two pieces. 3: Or in such a short time is a little unusual. 3: or more, we usually only have one a year. The fact that we have had two in such a short time is unusual and few others happen more often, so it 's a little unusual, Lund concludes.

On average, Sweden has 15 to 20 earthquakes per year received by the public.


Magnitude scales indicate the magnitude of earthquakes, that is, the dissolution of energy.

Less than 2.0
Generally unknown.

can feel.

Feels but usually does no harm.

I feel shaky. Things can be hurt.

May cause minor or greater damage from building construction and more.

The scale goes to 9.0 of magnitude or so called the "big size", while all under 2.0 has the micro term.
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Source: Nationalencyklopedin, Wikipedia

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