New free trip for 18-year-olds in EU-Pages


The kickoff of the second stage of the Discover Europe project was launched Thursday when all EU citizens born in 2000 were invited to submit their applications.

The rules are the same as in the first round this summer.

Until December 11, 18-year-olds are responsible for answering five questions via a dedicated website and telling them how they want to travel. The trip should preferably be made by train, with a maximum duration of one month, in at least one EU country and between April 15 and October 31, 2019.

Some participants are also named project ambassadors and must be prepared to report publicly on their trip afterwards.

"It's great to see that young people have seized this new opportunity to discover European culture and traditions, to feel the diversity of Europe and to make friends that they would not have otherwise." said the Hungarian Tibor Navracsics, the EU culture and youth commissioner, in a statement.

In total, the EU can contribute up to 2,600 crowns per person. The 12,000 seats are distributed among EU countries according to population, with 240 seats in the Swedish quota.

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