New Lidingö. Lidingösidan – 63 days after the elections: Lidingö majority Liberals are also included


Sunday, November 11, 2018, 22:08

M + LP + L + KD CONTROL LIDINGÖ. It appeared tonight that the former political majority with the moderates, the Lidingo party and the Christian Democrats, who became a minority after the elections, will again become the majority because the Liberals are now part of the ruling coalition. In total, the four parties have received 29 terms of 51 members, as well as a full-time council, so that there will be no change for 2014-2018 (* see also below). below the answers they left before the elections). The party that appoints the opposition council in Lidingö is not clear. The fact that liberals now belong to the majority is not surprising since the center party said that there were too large differences of opinion on the problem of high schools and on the design of the facilities. sports of the island.

The four parts takes care of different areas. The moderators will serve as chairman of the city council, the council of the environment and urban planning and the council of culture and recreation. Lidingö's party is still chairman of the social welfare committee, the Liberals receive the chairman of the board of education and the Christian Democrats take over the chairman of the council of engineering and real estate.

In a majority joint program the parties write that they have four important priorities for Lidingö, which will guide them during their term of office: at strengthen activities, a healthy municipal economy, a prudent and balanced construction policy as well a improved dialogue with farmers in distress.

The question Urban development is the one that has been the most discussed, but the least visible during the last term. For example, nothing spent four years outside the center of Lidingö. Now, the new large majority promises to focus on three projects in the next urban development mandate.

Lidingö Center, where new detailed plans are developed in cooperation with the owner Grosvenor Europe. The new majority will also develop a new detailed plan for the Rudboda center do a "small scale upgrade" there. Work too with Högsätra must begin. Priority is given to a new detailed plan for the field of sport. In addition to these three projects, Canada construction site in Kyrkviken are planned for new villas. the new pool, which reaches 25 x 25 meters after majority Liberal membership, will be built during the period "in close cooperation with Lidingo sports associations".

Lidingösidan is back with more points from the new majority program and with comments.

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* In relationship with Talks with parties such as Radio Lidingö and Lidingösidan took place before the elections and asked several questions to all parties. A resolute question "How many city councils need it after the elections (and here we do not rely on opposition advice)?"

Here are the answers of the parties:
C – Max 2
M – Negotiation question but it should be 2.
S – 1
MP – preferably 2, max 3
L – Negotiations but 1 Liberals
LP – It should be 3
V – significantly less than today
SD – 3
KD – Can not answer this question

Share 63 days after the elections: Liberals from the majority of Lidingö are also included

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