New panda on the northern leaf: "One of the best animals you can see" | Gothenburg after


The Ark of Scandinavia has received two new additions when it comes to extremely cute animals in the park. Two Red Pandas

– The vet has not examined them yet and we do not know if boys or girls are. And they are not beautiful like pandas right now, says Eva Wikberg, zoological director of the Nordic Arch.

They measure about 10 centimeters long and slip into the palm.

– Juveniles of common predators resemble each other when they are small. But not these. When they leave the cave and when they start to see them more regularly, they look like adult pandas. It's one of the best animals you can see, she says.

When you hear the name panda, you might think of a fluffy crab in black and white. But it's a so-called red panda.

– He belongs to the half-bear family. It is more closely related, for example, to the raccoon bear. Especially for the red pandan, it's that he has a carnivorous bowel, so digestion and teeth like a predator. However, during the course of evolution, he became a vegetarian. They eat bamboo and are in the middle of their food. They also eat chickens and eggs, but that's how they pass and find. They are not active hunters this way.

And the species is now threatened. And the threats are numerous; slaughter for wood production and wood burning, plantations, overpopulation of cattle, fur hunting and illegal animal trafficking.

– Demographic trends are down. We will now work if we have a chance, "says Eva Wikberg

At this moment, the staff on the northern leaves is trying to leave the children in peace with the mother. Everything to get peace and quiet.

– But we can find that they are round and goa in the stomach. The eyes are open and they meet and work well. The mother takes care of them. They seem to be good, says Eva Wikberg.

The mother was born in the Nordic Council in 2013 and now she has it. With young people she lives in the plant.

– She has three different boholkar so that she can move around the kids. It is important that the female has more than one hollow. It moves them in the wild or it will be too much fun that attracts predators into the wildlife. This is a success factor for successful breeding.

Who is the father then?

– He is in the neighboring grove and is at least as nice. He was born in Germany in 2012.

– The mother gives you and when they start to get fat, they go out and then my food is in the middle of them. Like a panda, there is no need for two parents who carry food at home. According to Eva Wikberg, the male is not needed as a family provider.

Facts: Red Panda

A predator that meets in the bamboo forests of the southern Himalayas at 2,200-4,800 meters above sea level. It is not closely related to cats, bears or giant panda and is now placed as a single species in the family Ailuridae.

Characterized by a brown-orange fur on the back, a red-white pattern on the head resembling a facial mask, and a ringed tail in brown and orange orange.

Is alloters, but parts of the plant make up the bulk of the food. Individuals live alone outside the mating season and may be 8 or rarely 10 years old.

The enemies are snow leopards, mothers and humans. In some parts of southwestern China, the species is hunted for fur. In addition, he is threatened by the destruction of the living space.

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