New shooting in Malmö – several wounded


Several people alerted the police about the shooting at 3:10 pm on Tuesday afternoon. A witness tells the post office how several shots were fired

– I was at home in the apartment when I heard the sound of the shooting. There were seven, eight shots, said one person living in the area.

The witness did not hear any noise or anything else. Shortly after, sirens were heard

According to unconfirmed information in Aftonbladet, two men were injured in the shooting, one in the 25 and one in 30 years.

SOS alarms only indicate that a person was taken

On the 17th, TT reported that external agents had confirmed that one person had died after the shooting.

Several shootings in Malmö

The shooting took place recently in Malmö. In the week before mid-summer, three men were killed at Drottninggatan. The night against Midsommar was murdered in Lindängen at the age of 24.

At night on Tuesday, a man at the age of 20 was taken to Nydala. He was seriously injured.

– There is nothing you really think, it's so common in Malmö, unfortunately, says the witness.

READ MORE: All the shootings in Malmö: 2018

– It depends on the information we received, "said Åsa Emanuelsson, presidential officer of the South Region Police

" Intensive "

" Intensive "

Police stated that the place on the site was very" intense "at the beginning

– There were many things happening in a short time and many Now we start to look at what it looks like, "says Åsa Emanuelsson.

Criminologists, tracking dogs and investigators are about to go to the scene, "says Åsa Emanuelsson

Magnus Andersson

Police conduct patrols throughout the Nydala area and was blocked by a larger area on the spot.

"We are working hard in the area," said Maya Forstenius, president of the Southern Police Region

Extended Barriers

The Emergency is blocked and armed police are in place.

– It is a routine measure

Police also banned the entire Nydalapark from conducting a technical investigation [19659002] – We will also go door-to-door in the region, "said Åsa Emanuelsson. in the afternoon a car inside the locks – the reason is still not clear.

Photo: Fritz Schibli

Local residents concerned

Several residents of the area The day before said that they heard the shooting. A woman who lives declares that she can also see parts of the course of events from the balconies

– He saw a person who fled the scene after the shooting, says the woman who wants to be anonymous.

She and her family lived in the area a few months.

– It's terrible. Terribly. We want to leave here, she says.

Three other people who live in the area tell them that they are upset by what happened

– It's terrible that this happens in the middle of a residential area and in the afternoon. Carina Carlström, 57.

– There are a lot of moves in the green zone. Popular place to sunbathe and be fair, continues Anders Johansen, 32.

In the area there are many children, children play in the farms and it is not far between the houses .

– It's the one you think of children. Those who shoot do not care about anything, Carina and Anders.

Madelene Svensson, 31, Anders Johansen, 32, and Carina Carlström, 57: "It's horrible."

Photo: Fritz Schibli

– If anyone has any tips or thoughts, heard or seen anything of interest, call the police at 114 14. All the information can be interesting, big or small. For example, anything that breaks with everyday life, if someone has seen someone running away from the site, says Åsa Emanuelsson. 19659002 19659002 The text is being updated.

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