New warning for extremely high temperatures


Photo: Erik Johansen

The heat continues.

Previously, SMHI warned that the coming week could be the hottest so far this year. Now you go out with several Class 1 warnings, in addition to Class 2 warnings for the extremely high temperatures that have stayed in the past.

Extreme heat remains throughout Sweden and according to SMHI, it should be 30 degrees or more. several consecutive days in some parts of the country

– I have not agreed that temperatures exceed 30 years. The fact that we go out with several class 2 warnings for extreme temperatures is very rare, says Ibrahim Al-Mausawe, investigative meteorologist.

Class 2 alerts for extremely high temperatures are issued if the daytime temperature is 30 degrees or more for five days. succession or 33 degrees three consecutive days. Since last week, Class 2 warnings have been issued for Kalmar County, Östergötland and East Svealand.

SMHI also issues Class 1 warnings for other parts of Götaland, Svealand and Southeast Norrland. This means that it should be 30-32 degrees for three or four consecutive days.

– This is valid until Friday, until the weekend, it is cooler and fell, but it is difficult to say exactly where they will fall. If it's raining, you can expect a lot because sheds are usually short-lived but intense, says Ibrahim Al-Mausawe.

TT: Is there somewhere in Sweden, it's a little cooler?

– Cooler and cooler, in Norrland and along the west coast, as well as in Skåne, the temperature is between 20-25.

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