No Åsa Lindeborg – You're not as stupid as Jonna Sima


BLOG With fake quotes and arguments against "shame" – the secretaries, Åsa Lindeborg tries to take her colleague Aftonbladet, Jonna Sima, in defense. Unfortunately, with my unique diplomatic rhetoric, I must say that Lindeborg came out of hell. Sima will not be ashamed of it – if she understands it now.

It began with Spokesman Thomas Gür's spontaneous seminar on the churchback in front of Visby Cathedral during Almedian Week. After Gür had proclaimed his theses on immigration and integration, the dumpster Mats Hermansson received a smaller brain drain and decided to call the church bells for them. warn of danger.

This was not a surprise. On the contrary, in the country, of course, the left-handers did their best to find arguments for the defense of the dumpster, while right-wing advocates criticized the same thing. Many of Hermansson's defense claims are pure post-mortem constructions, such as "missing state" or the fact that some outdoor furniture has been relocated. There has never been permission from the state or other higher powers to congregate on an area where you can usually stay listening to what someone has to say.

Jonna Sima, Aftonbladet's leading writer, concluded that the discharge is an example. But that's not enough, he climbed into Sima's fingers that she had to face Gür with Nazis threatening violence in the same text. And so that no one loses suspicion, she is so clear that it just goes without writing immediately in the clip of his head.

"The community must send a clear signal that there is no tolerance at the Nazi level, but we need help to reduce and mark racism and anti-democratic forces in our daily life.Visby's Domprost is an example for all of us. "

I am Thomas Gür in social media and sometimes I also talk with him when there is something I need to study for an article on News Today. We are far from always agree on small and big issues. Believe me when I say that, I can take Russian nerve novitok that Gür is anything but a Nazi.

I'm not surprised if thousands of Gür followers in social media are willing to make the same effort. similarities with the Nazis. Some pretty obvious things that do not really need to be written.

Therefore, Sima does not interpret anything that she tries to fool a beginner that she hates. A not insignificant aspect is that Gür only uses his voice and a few square meters on the church to argue his arguments. At the same time, Jonna Sima has the largest newspaper in Sweden as a platform. If the disguised accusation of Sima were to be guaranteed, as it could have done under normal circumstances, it would be prejudicial to Gür.

Using Nazism as a bat against his opponents is not a unique affair. On the contrary, it has been used from the left almost instrumentally, whether the target is Nazi or simply a moderate voter who wants to keep the RUT deduction. This is not the first time Sima uses similar methods, a little over a year ago, News reported today that she was wringing that Ivar Arpi , Johan Hakelius and Alice Teodorescu call for hatred and war

Politics, "compiled News Today with the Nazis without justification in a red digital brochure on sites you do not want to share in social media. continue with similar examples

It is in pure Swedish, intimidation.There are no substantive arguments or concerns about the ideologies of violence. This is an elaborate way of erasing people from the debate, or if you want to ostracize.That is, the essence of Sima means.Now, of course, Sima , with all measures, is criminally documented, so intimidation quickly turns to her.

But no matter how weak the Sima's cognitive ability, that does not change the fact that the biggest Swedish magazine can publish it. It's even more shame. It is not a question of sitting on big horses or fighting for "high principles". It is normal decency to mark the motives.

It does not work to resonate with bullying or try to make them feel kind and honest. What works is to go back. Stony and ruthless hair. This is only when the bully himself realizes that an evil demeanor towards others results in less pleasing consequences for a self than the reptilian brain learns. About this I've been quoted and quoted by Åsa Lindeborg, who makes a small effort to defend Sima in defense of Aftonbladet

"You have the right to criticize Jonna Sima's vision of society, from totality to individual formulations, but think of the word shame with which so many people are fighting.The one who wants to be ashamed, wants to drive out of the community.You do not have to do here.Sake out! Ostracization under the flag of freedom of expression. Lindeborg writes:

In the same cultural text, Lindeborg reiterates a mistaken quote by Thomas Gür that "Swedish women are raped by foreign men." Lindeborg no doubt understands that the so-called quotation can not be corroborated, and concludes "if we have to trust the memory of Mats Hermansson's ears." However, the whole of Gür's lecture is recorded and the quote reproduced simply has not been expressed.

In any case, using the wrong quote e, Lindeborg is still trying to draw some similarities between NMR and Gür. "Both are, though to a different extent, occupied by culture, history, and tradition as a decisive essence of citizenship." Lindeborg

Because I still have high thoughts about Lindeborg – she understands that it's stupid to treat the opponents of men worse than one herself wants to be treated – am I surprised that she's trying to take Sima in defense and thus gets on the same thin ice.It may be from a kind of college sense of duty.

Therefore, it seems almost strange to need to write this.But I can try to be so clear that it's just okay

Jonna Sima is going to be ostracized by the public debate She's going to be ashamed She'll be spotted and speckled She'll be out of favor until she's gone. to what she learns and we will remind her all what she has done so far she stands back and apologizes. " if she, or someone else, thinks I'm terrible when writing this, I invite you to think about what gives Sima the right to practice the Nazi saga Thomas Gür

Sima ends up to be intimidated. so she should of course be welcome to participate equally with everyone.

Until then, and since the debate began on the church square, I recommend Matthew 7: 3-4.

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