Nobody resigned from Westlink staff – Police reported abuse


– Now it's enough. We have fallen into an unacceptable situation for our employees who are under threat, harassment, destruction of security equipment and maximum abuse, "said Lena Erixon, Director General of the Swedish Transport Administration.

It was last week that a person should have entered a workplace and physically abandoned one of those working to move trees to the west link.

Police report on abuse

The police were summoned and were able to intervene as long as the person remained on the site, according to the Swedish Transport Administration, who also announced that the vulnerable employee should have got out of it well and that a report of ill-treatment had been filed with the police.

Due to the incident and past incidents, the Director General of the Swedish Transport Administration, Lena Erixon, went to Gothenburg on Tuesday to talk to employees about the situation.

"It's as if it had escalated.The very serious tone of social media has become a daily food that ends up becoming a case of mistreatment.Then you have crossed the border," she said.

We have previously reported that people linked to the West Link have been subjected to threats and harassment. Among other things, goods were ordered from employees on the road network, threats were made and, in the buildings, the staff was exposed to spottloskorkor.

"It's worse here"

According to the Swedish Transport Agency, a total of 20 police reports have been reported for more than 50 incidents.

And although large infrastructure projects often generate strong emotions, the Western connection stands out, according to Lena Erixon.

– It's worse here. If you compare with, for example, the passing of Stockholm, which was a redundant project, there was a lot of discussion before. Since the decision was made and we started with the actual implementation, we have not had the reactions we have seen here, continuing in the actual implementation of the project.

"Bad development"

The Swedish Transport Administration is currently examining the safety of workplaces, but Erixon believes that the discussion should be conducted in a broader perspective.

"It's part of democracy, you make political decisions and then you implement them, and if policymakers feel threatened, I can think of unpleasant development.

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