Noraldin, 14, was killed in Trollhättan – now the verdict


GT has already reported that Noraldin, 14, was killed in Trollhättan last November. He was returning from training with his friends when the accident occurred. Witnesses told the police that Noraldin had been hit by a car that had left the place.

– According to witnesses, the driver left the car, took care of what happened and jumped out of the vehicle. Lippens, the presidential person of the police in the West region in connection with the incident.

Minor was charged

A black car was at the beginning of the investigation, but the police lasted a long time without a suspect. Not until January of this year, it was announced that a minor was reasonably suspected of causing Norald's death.

The man, under the age of 18, was suspected of being the victim of another death, an infestation, and an unlawful conduct. In mid-June he was prosecuted and in early July the trial took place in the Vänersborg District Court. Today, the judgment has fallen.

READ MORE: Noraldin's parents separate during the trial

Frias from imprisonment to the death of another

The minor driver suspected of driving on Noraldin then infected The crash site is sentenced to young people's care for illegal driving and contamination of traffic accidents.

He is released from suspicion of perpetuation upon the death of another.

The district court writes in the judgment that the accused is convinced to drive Noraldin – and thus caused his death. However, it is not possible to prove that he was negligent when he caused the traffic accident, which is crucial.

The District Court writes in the judgment:

"In this case, there are reasonable alternatives to the way in which the accident occurred, and one of these alternatives was not due to negligence.There is therefore a reasonable doubt as to the act of the prosecutor's offense.This also means that even though it is proven that NN caused the accident by being the driver of Noraldin, it is not proven that it caused negligence by negligence.The prosecution for death at the death of others should therefore be dismissed "

Refused to Crime

The accused denied crimes throughout the investigation.

– I absolutely did not do that, he said

According to the preliminary inquiry, the suspect first stated that he had never been there. Later, he changed and admitted that he was driving illegally and found himself on the spot.

– I want to admit that I drove the car but did not drive anyone. It was the same day in the evening, in connection with the incident, he said during a hearing during the investigation.

GT is looking for the boy's defense lawyer for a comment.

READ MORE: The new version of smith suspected after Norald's death

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