Norwegian police suing Makaveli Lindén, 20, for murder in Oslo


The 20-year-old Swede is being prosecuted around the world for the brutal murder of a knife in Oslo.

Now the police have come out with his name: Makaveli Lindén.

According to the Norwegian police, he is now pirated in the stub.

"We hope we will soon catch this person or that she will contact the police where she is now," Grete Metlid told the Oslo police.

Norwegian police now call the internationally-wanted 20-year-old Swede on suspicion of murder in Oslo.

They had previously reported that he was suspected of settling in Sweden after the murder of 24-year-old Heikki Bjørklund Paltto on Monday.

Police confirm that the wanted man called Makaveli Lindén.

"Because it's not stopped, we choose to go out with the name to see if it can give us more information about what it may be," he said. said investigator Grete Metlid.

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The 20-year-old is believed internationally to have murdered Heikki Bjørklund Paltto in Oslo.

"Persevere persevering to find him"

The man is internationally sought after. Police previously said they did not know if he was still in Sweden.

Sunday night, however, it seems imminent:

"We know more than we do," says Grete Metlid in Aftonbladet:

"We have mainly received advice from Norway and, of course, information from Sweden, but we also emphasize that it can now be elsewhere.

• How long are you in a hurry?

– We have information with which we work, concrete information we are working on right now. There are of course many activities going on right now and going on during the evening, but it's hard to say when that can happen, says Metlid.

Earlier this Sunday, the police called on the Swede to surrender.

Friday, the police came out with a photo of the wanted. As a result, the police received several concrete information stating that it could be identified as Makaveli Lindén.

According to the police, he was formerly Christian Lindén.

Suspected of having penetrated through the windows

According to NRK sources, the police suspect that he entered through a window in Heikki Paltto's apartment.

The 24-year-old will then be attacked by 20 knives. One of the theories is that it is a flight that has been traced. There is no known link between the victim and the researcher.

Aftonbladet has previously reported that Linden had recently served a prison sentence for robbery. In August 2017, he is now murdered in an open window and joined a collective in Uppsala.

In the group there were several people.

He had a knife and threatened us, but we talked to him all the time. He wanted to take a camera, but when we asked him to let the camera be, he did, one of the thieves told Aftonbladet.

That's how it goes: Violence and crime 2:15

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