Now, Naloxone Is Printed By Nurses – Psychiatry


Previously, only doctors had been able to print nasal congestion, an antidote that can be administered in case of overdose of opioids, such as heroin and morphine. The National Board of Health and the Medical Products Agency have together increased the availability of naloxone-based medicines.

Since March, it is possible to return naloxone at the time of prescription, instead of being taken to the pharmacy. And since August, the emergency services have the opportunity to treat overdoses of opioids with naloxone in anticipation of ambulances.

– At present, nurses can prescribe certain naloxone-containing drugs, provided that the nurse has the necessary skills to make the prescription compatible with safe and quality care. The head of operations will be responsible for determining whether the requirements are met, "said Åsa Lindberg, a lawyer at the National Board of Health, in a statement posted on the website of the authority.

Since January of this year, the drug has been distributed free in Stockholm to people at risk of overdose. Up to now, 400 people have received a total of 1,100 doses of naloxone and the nasal spray has been used 140 times.

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