Now Skåne's seriousness is on hold


Henrik Fritzon (S) leaves the presidency of the regional council of Carl Johan Sonesson (M). (The image of the earlier era)

Photo: Peter Åklundh

Henrik Fritzon (S) leaves the presidency of the regional council of Carl Johan Sonesson (M). (The image of the earlier era)

The Alliance has taken over the reins of the Skåne region. In a minority position, it will be difficult to manage finances and care.

When the new regional assembly met, the Social Democrats and the Alliance in the Skåne region had no bloody battle. The fact is that there was no fight at all – the Social Democrats did not defend any opposition candidate to the presidents of regional and regional councils. Outgoing Regional Council President, Henrik Fritzon (S), left the Regional Council Club to travel to Carl Johan Sonesson (M) with great words of hope for a good cooperation and congratulations: "I'm sure you'll do a good job." Carl Johan Sonesson has responded to the presidency of Henrik Fritzon, whom he described as thoughtful, generous with the information communicated to the opposition and open to compromise.

Too cute No. A climate of conversation quite reasonable in a decision-making assembly responsible for all the attributions. Of course, it will be difficult with respect to budgets and tax decisions, but basically, respect is precious. The two representatives are the most aware of the difficult economic situation in the region: due to the significant investment needs, Skåne's fiscal power, increased demand for care and lack of human resources. Skilled work, resulting in increased salary costs, the new board no longer has to wait. There is every reason to find long-term solutions that do not become distorted for future power shifts. It is equally important to note that there are differences between the Alliance and the Social Democrats on issues such as the elements of freedom of choice and private options.

Therefore, it is good that the Alliance is in the region. You do not have the spouses' mandate for a brutal turnaround in any direction, but using the tools you know has the effect of shortening queues, such as choosing care , is important. There is also a need to find ways to strengthen health centers and reduce the burden of emergency services. There are more areas where pressure is strong, such as psychiatry for children and adolescents. This is a major social problem, why so many children and young people feel bad today and that everything can not be put on the last line of the chain, but it is clear that reinforcements are needed. Unfortunately, the problem, as in other areas of care, is not just about cash resources without the difficulty of recruiting staff with the right skills. Education is essentially a state affair, but the region can be understood in different ways to help its own staff develop.

Let's hope that the new management can also increase the pressure to improve road and rail traffic. Public transport is all along if it's good and the demand is great. But it is important to remember that it is easy to bring down costs if all so-called public transit is to be put into an economical sour cream. The promise of free public transport to different groups – Alliance parties acting autonomously – also means lower incomes and higher charges. There is also something important to pay, so you understand that the service is not free and that you have the right to claim it does not match what travelers are in. right to wait.

The Alliance will try to launch the budget and tax rate through the Regional Council. With three blocks, it's not clear that you're succeeding with anything you want – he even knows the resigning board. With the economic uncertainty and the risk of recession during the term of office, it is not impossible for the Alliance to raise taxes. It may be necessary to no longer cause major economic damage. But the negative effects of rising already high taxes are well known, not least because it may coincide with the fact that Skåne municipalities are obliged to follow the same principle – tax increases are really felt by households.

The change of power went smoothly, as the Social Democrats were not received, so they also served as second vice-president of the presidium. This meant that at the same time the Swedish Democrats won no seats, opposition candidates to the SD had fallen in all the polling stations. This means that SD wants third vice president positions. At a time when there are three blocks in practice, there is something to consider, but you also have to decide how the appointments will take place. It is also true at municipal level and at the Riksdag that these appointments should be made in a predictable and understandable way for voters.

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