Now the age limit is lifted at the university exam – so it will start


Many people who want to take the university exam can wait until the second semester in the second year before they can deal with it.

The new age limit of 18 years aims to pass from university examination to secondary studies, says senior ministers Helene Hellmark Knuttson for Swedish Radio.

– Yes, we see that many people pass the test very very early and we want the university exam to be a second chance to improve their competitiveness. Hellmark

A statewide survey last year proposed an age limit of less than 19 years to pass the university test. The government wanted to set a limit of less than 18 years. Hellmark thinks 19 is too late.

  Age limit for university degree
The age limit will be introduced in 2022. Source: Gunnar Lundmark / SvD / SCANPIX

They write this one time before you n & d Go to the university for the normal case.After laying in 18 years, you have the opportunity to write it three times, and maybe also improve your score .

At the last test, there were just 9,000 participants under 18, or about 13 participants from all participants

The new age limit will be introduced in 2022. The period of validity of the university test will continue for 5 years.

You can find out more about why it is good to take the exam

Do you have what it takes to complete the exam? ;examination? ] test Or maybe you want to test how many words can you make from the 2017 part of the college exam? You can do it here!

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