Now the current is back on Gotland – Society


Of the 20,000 people affected by the second blackout, at 9 pm will be reinstated.

– Good news. The situation has improved considerably and our repercussions have now begun. I hope the current will be back for everyone at 23, says Ulf Nyman at Geab.

It was just before 4 pm that Gotland went black. Or at least inside. This after a power outage that turned off all the electricity on the island. At 18:30, the current all over the island will be back.

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The evening closed the store when they suffered a power failure.

But after 19 reports were reported that power was gone again. According to Geab, large parts of the island will be affected. Geab states that he will be mistaken at the Ygne power plant where electricity comes from the mainland

– He is the heart of the entire Gotland power grid, he says.

What caused the power outage is still not clear. According to Geab, the opportunity will only be ready after the weekend.

– We prioritize to build power and make it stable first. We will probably find the reason in our post-analysis, "says Ulf Nyman

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Sometimes you know directly what caused the breakup. Why do not you know it now?

– For example, when he got scared, it is obvious that time has affected. But now, let's analyze the measurement data and see what happened, "says Ulf Nyman

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Ica Wisborg

Just before 10 pm Friday night, the stream was back on the island

– But those who still have problems ask us to contact us, says Johan Granat to Geab

<img src = "http: // "alt =" BILD: Andrei Ronström [19659010] The number is 020 28 50 50.

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