Nursing Center forgot a serious cancer – three times | Gothenburg after


The first time this man asked for help at the private health center in Gothenburg, it was late August. He then suffered from persistent headaches and neck pain.

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Adolescents were not considered serious, but the man returned twice to the health center. He was also not found to be suffering from a serious illness and was put in contact with a physiotherapist.

However, the diagnosis would be significantly dark.

When the man sought care for the fourth time shortly after he fainted, he was discovered that he was suffering from a malignant cancer that spread. from the lungs to the brain.

"This man called the health center and requested treatment in August, was evaluated by two different doctors and had contact with a physiotherapist, who was not thought to be serious, but left everything likewise a feedback on the subject.We have also been in regular contact with the patient until he fainted and had an ambulance, said the head of operations of the current health center. .

Was an incurable cancer

According to an announcement by Lex Maria made by the CEO at the Inspectorate of Care and Care, IVO, the failures could have given the man concerned the status "permanent, but".

"It's probably an incurable cancer that we did not discover at first. Then we can not really judge if it played a role if we were talking about the first time, but you might have been able to get treatment sooner, says the chief of operations.

The boss also writes in the Lex Maria report that the deficiencies could have delayed the patient's diagnosis and thus delay the possibility of symptomatic treatment.

How did these missions happen?

"I am difficult to judge medical because I am not a doctor, but the file will be reviewed by the medical team on Monday, and then our licensed doctors will also submit a supplement," says the chief of operations.

Can you see what would have gone wrong?

– What could have gone wrong and what we want to help determine, is if the patient should have been transferred after the first visit.

How much do you look at the event?

"It's obviously a serious event that you're missing that, at the same time, there's always a balance in primary care – what should be transferred, and no." The doctors did a medical assessment that they did not have it. did not need to be sent back.

How did the patient go?

– As soon as he entered, he discovered metastases and had lung cancer. The last time I spoke to parents, I was waiting to find out what treatment to administer.

The boss: Good to investigate

In addition to a notification Lex Maria to IVO, the health center has also taken internal measures.

"The doctoral group will look at the case and conclude that there is something we can improve about the routines, or if we have to think differently," says the head of operations.

"It feels good to conduct an external investigation of the event to find out if there is anything to change.

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